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Union Square Oradea

Oradea, Romania

Following the renaissance of the town in the pre-modern and modern period, during the eighteenth century, the political and administrative center moved westward around the Fortress of Oradea, on the current location of the Union Square, at the west end of the former medieval district called the Saturday Fair / Forum (Forum Sabbatho). There have emerged a number of establishments, offices, and centers of church parish institutions that made the nucleus of the New Town take shape on the left bank of the river Crişului Repede.

In the central square of the district called New Town were build the first Roman Catholic Episcopal Church from 1720-1741 The Orthodox Church of ” Adormirea Maicii Domnului” in 1794 and the Greek Catholic Church from 1800 to 1810.

The fund built in the Union Square area is a valuable and quite heterogeneous both in terms of architectural styles represented here (baroque, classical, eclectic, Secession, modernist) and on adopted spatial configurations accents and height arrangements.

The Western Front is dominated by two representative buildings: the Town Hall built in a neo-renaissance style in 1901-1904 by the architect Kálmán Rimanóczy and Greek Catholic Bishop Palace, built between 1903-1905 according to the plans of the same architect. The Kovács House, located at the southeast corner of St. Paul and Union Square is the most remarkable civil building built in the early nineteenth century in Neoclassical style.

The Northeastern corner of Union Square is marked by the Black Eagle Palace building, the most emblematic monument of the Oradean Secession, with a complex spatial configuration and lechnerian styled facades, the work of architects Komor Marcell and Jakab Dezső (1907-1908).

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